Module: 3.2.4 Partnering with Schools
This module was revised in 2017 to incorporate specific language, examples and tips for summer and year-round learning programs
During this training, participants will discuss school-age care/afterschool connections with the school day stakeholders and how to strengthen those partnerships.
In this training participants will:
- Understand the importance of partnering effectively with schools.
- Implement three strategies to strengthen the natural connections between schools and school-age care/afterschool program.
Content Overview:
Viewpoints of Others
Activity has participants consider how principals, teachers, school secretary, custodian, food services manager and instructional assistants consider the programs and the expectations, goals and fears that each school day stakeholders has toward the program.
Connection Carousel
Activity gives participants an opportunity to consider natural links between school day personnel and their programs and consider strategies to strengthen those links.
Quick Tips
Trainer will give a handy list of Quick Tips for working closely with school day staff.
Training Length: 2 hours